8 Aug 2006

低語﹝二﹞René Fehr-Biscioni


René Fehr-Biscioni Cover and Skin “Hülle und Haut”
24 May - 1 July 2006 Galerie Atrium ed Arte www.atrium-ed-arte.at

fig.: René Fehr-Biscioni, "se baignant chez le voisin", 2005, 60 x 120 cm, Acryl auf Leinwand
The exhibition is about two different "coverings" of the human being. One of the "coverings" is our skin. The intimate view into the bathrooms from above is not a voyeuristic - as the identity of the persons are saved. The distance of this view only shows us the door to another world.
fig.: René Fehr-Biscioni, "sleeping things 1", 2006, Holzschnitt, 35 x 26 cmClothing is the second covering. With its help we try to find beauty and identity. The exhibition is arranged with much sensibility.

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